The Christmas log cake, also known as "Bûche de Noël" in French, is a traditional dessert served during the Christmas season in many countries around the world. The cake is made to resemble a Yule log and is typically made with a sponge cake that is rolled up with a filling such as whipped cream, buttercream, or ganache. The outside of the cake is then frosted or decorated with chocolate or buttercream to resemble a log, often with added decorations such as meringue mushrooms, marzipan berries, and powdered sugar “snow.” The Christmas log cake has its origins in medieval Europe, where it was a symbol of the winter solstice and the coming of the new year. Today, it is a popular dessert in many countries, particularly in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada, and is a festive and delicious way to celebrate the holiday season.
Christmas log cake
Updated: May 17, 2023